Neues aus dem Land der "unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten". Wenn sich betrogene und sitzengelassene Frauen zusammentun, um sich an den "Scheißmännern" zu rächen und andere vor ihnen zu warnen, kommt in den Staaten sowas bei raus >>>>>>Don't date him girl. Damit niemand mehr auf diese in Ungnade gefallenen Männer hereinfällt, werden neben den Namen auch Fotos mit angegeben. Ganz schön krank! Die lieben Amerikaner und der Datenschutz...Aus einem "Steckbrief":
I know that M. has already been posted here. Probably by someone who got really hurt by him. And I am sure he did the same to many of you out there. First seduced and then dumped as if you were trash. I don't mean to minimize the suffering that M. has caused to you by comparing what he did to me, but I have serious reasons to believe that with me, he was the lowest that he could ever be. To make a long story short: HE GOT ME PREGNANT and I never heard from him again. Tried calling, emails, everything I could think of. No, not because I want him to be a present father, a decent man, a man that he'll never be. But because I really need him to pay $ for what he did, I need support to raise this innocent child that my lack of discernment and his lack of morals put in this world. If y´all know any way to contact him or his family '" I really think that his parents deserve to know that they have a grandson growing up miserably somewhere in W. while his father is messing up so many women's lives around the city '" please let me know. And good luck to you all if you happen to cross-path with this vermin.
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